
Global software provider Civica extends reach in APAC health sector

Medical Record Digital

Global software provider Civica has acquired digital medical record specialist Dox Software, a move which will see the UK-based leader in public sector software strengthen its position across the healthcare sector in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific.

Launched in 1999 and servicing over 110 hospitals and clinic groups across Australia, Dox Software has a strong track record in supporting the digitalisation and automation of hospitals and specialist medical practices, through electronic medical record and companion software. A dynamic, multi-faceted business, Dox Software’s suite of innovative products support business intelligence, data analytics, inventory management.

With its expertise in driving automation and data integrity for hospital medical records, the acquisition of Dox will further enhance Civica’s offering to its customers across the health sector both in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific. Civica’s comprehensive suite of software products enable front-line services to be more responsive, improve outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers, increase efficiencies and deliver tangible cost savings.

Ben Cowling, Civica Asia Pacific Executive Director, says:

“As a global company, we’ve enjoyed over 22 years of uninterrupted success as a trusted provider of innovative software for public sector organisations around the world. Key to our continued success is year-on-year investment in our software and regular acquisitions to complement and enhance our capabilities.


Given the Australian Federal Government’s recent introduction of ‘My Health Record’, a platform with a massive participation rate of over 90.1 per cent of citizens(2), the acquisition of Dox Software could not have come at a more crucial time for us as a company. Dox will not only further enrich our comprehensive software offering to our customers across the health sector; it’ll ensure that Civica is helping lead the charge in our health sector’s transformative journey”.

Vernon Yates, Medical I.T. Director says:

“We’re excited to be joining forces with Civica, adding to their capabilities in providing an end-to-end digital transformation capability. We look forward to continuing to offer high levels of service to existing clients at greater scale and expand our client base in key growth sectors in Australia as part of the Civica Group.”

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Written by IV Motion

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